So Greedy…



The greedy Cock – A hypnotic curse!

Attention: This file is going to curse you! That’s right little boy, this file is going to give you a greedy cock.

Every single orgasm you will experience after this file will be better and better, but because it’s so incredibly intense, you will be burning through your satisfaction much faster, and you will feel the lust building again, quickly craving more stimulation.

Of course you will always be safe, the pleasure will only be there when you have the time and the privacy, but it will nevertheless be steadily growing, always waiting for you to have the opportunity to lose yourself in it, waiting to overwhelm you again.

And to make it even more interesting, you’re also going to be a little bit more sensitive every time you’re stimulated sexually.

Make no mistake, little boy, this file will change you. It will turn you into a far more sexual being and turn your lust up to eleven.


This erotic hypnosis contains the following suggestions:

  • The “Greedy Cock Curse“, that is irrevocable
  • Every single orgasm, from now on, will be more intense than the orgasm before
  • The timespan to become horny again after a orgasm will decrease every time you cum
  • Safety-Net: Should you be at work or in any other situation in which you have to “function” as your normal self, you will be able to do so. The curse will only “haunt” you in your privacy
  • 42:45 Minutes